Thursday, July 31, 2008

Data Structures and Problem Solving Using C++

Data Structures and Problem Solving Using C++

Book Description
Data Structures and Problem Solving Using C++ provides an introduction to data structures and algorithms from the viewpoint of abstract thinking and problem solving, as well as the use of C++. It is a complete revision of Weiss' successful CS2 book Algorithms, Data Structures, and Problem Solving with C++.

Throughout this edition, Mark Allen Weiss has included the latest features of the C++ programming language-making prevalent use of the Standard Template Library (STL) wherever appropriate. He has also included a new chapter covering Patterns, as well as new material on templates, vectors and push_back.

C++ allows the programmer to write the interface and implementation separately, to place them in separate files and compile separately, and to hide the implementation details. This book goes a step further: The interface and implementation are discussed in separate parts of the book. Part I (Objects and C++), Part II (Algorithms and Building Blocks), and Part III (Applications) lay the groundwork by discussing basic concepts and tools and providing some practical examples, but implementation of data structures are not shown until Part IV (Implementations). This separation of interface and implementation promotes abstract thinking. Class interfaces are written and used before the implementation is known, forcing the reader to think about the functionality and potential efficiency of the various data structures (e.g. hash tables are written well before the hash table is implemented). --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

Book Info
Introduces data structures and algorithms from the viewpoint of abstract thinking and problem solving and illustrates the use of the C++ programming language. DLC: C++ (Computer program language). --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

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