Thursday, July 31, 2008

C++/CLI in Action (Manning)

C++/CLI in Action (Manning)

Product Description
C++ is the language of choice for thousands of applications and millions of lines of code. With C++/CLI, developers can integrate existing C++ code into the .NET platform without rewriting their applications. This book explores the C++/CLI syntax, teaches how to mix native C++ and managed .NET code, and shows how to integrate C++ with Windows Forms, WPF (Avalon), and WCF (Indigo).

Imagine taking a C++-based program you've been using for a decade and giving it a snazzy new interface using Windows Presentation Foundation. How about making your old business applications talk to your new ones using Windows Communication Foundation. C++/CLI makes this--and more--possible. C++/CLI in Action shows you how to bridge the gap between your existing C++ code and the .NET platform. C++/CLI in Action will help you if:
# You're hesitant to migrate to .NET because it means rewriting code in C# or VB.
# You have significant C++ expertise that you want to leverage in the .NET.
# You only need to use pieces of the .NET framework, such as Windows Forms or web services.

There's no fluff here. Designed for readers who already know C++, this book starts by teaching the unique aspects of the C++/CLI language. After a quick tour through the basics, readers work through examples of integrating standard C++ into the .NET-based applications and building programs that mix C++ and .NET code for maximum performance and efficiency.

About the Author
Nishant Sivakumar has been programming since 19909, and has extensive experience with Visual C++, MFC, C#, and the .NET Framework. Nish has been a Microsoft Visual C++ MVP since 2002, and maintains an MVP tips and tricks website ( along with a Microsoft Technology blog ( He works for The Code Project and is in charge of the MFC libraries Ultimate Toolbox, Ultimate Grid and Ultimate TCP/IP products sold through The Code Project Storefront. Nish has been working with Microsoft Technologies since the DOS days and is currently exploring .NET 3.0 technologies such as WPF and WCF. Nish loves reading Science Fiction, P G Wodehouse and Agatha Christie. In addition to C++/CLI in Action, Nish has authored Extending MFC applications with the .NET Framework as well as Summer Love and Some More Cricket, a romantic comedy. Presently, he lives in Toronto with his loving wife Smitha.

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Data Structures and Problem Solving Using C++

Data Structures and Problem Solving Using C++

Book Description
Data Structures and Problem Solving Using C++ provides an introduction to data structures and algorithms from the viewpoint of abstract thinking and problem solving, as well as the use of C++. It is a complete revision of Weiss' successful CS2 book Algorithms, Data Structures, and Problem Solving with C++.

Throughout this edition, Mark Allen Weiss has included the latest features of the C++ programming language-making prevalent use of the Standard Template Library (STL) wherever appropriate. He has also included a new chapter covering Patterns, as well as new material on templates, vectors and push_back.

C++ allows the programmer to write the interface and implementation separately, to place them in separate files and compile separately, and to hide the implementation details. This book goes a step further: The interface and implementation are discussed in separate parts of the book. Part I (Objects and C++), Part II (Algorithms and Building Blocks), and Part III (Applications) lay the groundwork by discussing basic concepts and tools and providing some practical examples, but implementation of data structures are not shown until Part IV (Implementations). This separation of interface and implementation promotes abstract thinking. Class interfaces are written and used before the implementation is known, forcing the reader to think about the functionality and potential efficiency of the various data structures (e.g. hash tables are written well before the hash table is implemented). --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

Book Info
Introduces data structures and algorithms from the viewpoint of abstract thinking and problem solving and illustrates the use of the C++ programming language. DLC: C++ (Computer program language). --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

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Designing Components With the C++ Stl: A New Approach to Programming

Designing Components With the C++ Stl: A New Approach to Programming

'This book is the most accurate and up-to-date source of information on the STL currently available. ... It has an approach and appeal of its own: it explains techniques for building data structures and algorithms on top of the STL, and in this way appreciates the STL for what it is - a framework.' Angelika Langer, Independent Consultant and C Report Columnist

"A superbly authored treatment of the excellent book which belongs in any serious C developer's library." Jim Armstrong, President 2112 F/X, Texas.

The C Standard Template Library (STL) represents a breakthrough in C programming techniques. With it, software developers can achieve vast improvements in the reliability of their software, and increase their own productivity.

Designing Components with the C STL has three aims:

* to introduce the reader to the STL
* to show how this powerful resource can be exploited
* to extend its use to the construction of new components.

This revised edition is fully compliant with the new ISO/IEC C Standard with an associated web site containing numerous, fully up-to-date examples for downloading.

The author shows how to make practical use of the STL through a wealth of examples and by drawing on his extensive experience and knowledge gained working with the C Standardization Committee. Unique insight into the internals of the STL takes the reader beyond simply using it, to show how the components supplied in the STL can be used to design more complex data structures and algorithms, and powerful abstract data types. Throughout, the author maintains an elegant and sophisticated coding style, adhering faithfully to the current ISO/ANSI standards, helping to ensure that your software will be even more portable, maintainable and reusable than ever.

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Effective C++: 55 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs

Effective C++: 55 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs

This exceptionally useful text offers Scott Myers's expertise in C++ class design and programming tips. The second edition incorporates recent advances to C++ included in the ISO standard, including namespaces and built-in template classes, and is required reading for any working C developer.

The book opens with some hints for porting code from C to C++ and then moves on to the proper use of the new and delete operators in C++ for more robust memory management. The text then proceeds to class design, including the proper use of constructors, destructors, and overloaded operator functions for assignment within classes. (These guidelines ensure that you will create custom C++ classes that are fully functional data types, which can be copied and assigned just like built-in C++ classes.)

The author also provides a handful of suggestions for general class design, including strategies for using different types of inheritance and encapsulation. Never doctrinaire and always intelligent, these guidelines can make your C++ classes more robust and easier to maintain. --Richard Dragan

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Efficient C++: Performance Programming Techniques

Efficient C++: Performance Programming Techniques

Book Info
Demonstrates the potential of C++ to produce highly efficient programs. Reveals practical, everyday object-oriented design principles and C++ coding techniques that can yield large performance improvements. Focuses on combining C++'s power and flexibility with high performance and scalability. Softcover. DLC: C++ (Computer program language).

From the Inside Flap

If you conducted an informal survey of software developers on the issue of C++ performance, you would undoubtedly find that the vast majority of them view performance issues as the Achilles' heel of an otherwise fine language. We have heard it repeatedly ever since C++ burst on the corporate scene: C++ is a poor choice for implementing performance-critical applications. In the mind of developers, this particular application domain was ruled by plain C and, occasionally, even assembly language.

As part of that software community we had the opportunity to watch that myth develop and gather steam. Years ago, we participated in the wave that embraced C++ with enthusiasm. All around us, many development projects plunged in headfirst. Some time later, software solutions implemented in C++ began rolling out. Their performance was typically less than optimal, to put it gently. Enthusiasm over C++ in performance-critical domains has cooled. We were in the business of supplying networking software whose execution speed was not up for negotiation--speed was top priority. Since networking software is pretty low on the software food-chain, its performance is crucial. Large numbers of applications were going to sit on top of it and depend on it. Poor performance in the low levels ripples all the way up to higher level applications.

Our experience was not unique. All around, early adopters of C++ had difficulties with the resulting performance of their C++ code. Instead of attributing the difficulties to the steep learning curve of the new object-oriented software development paradigm, we blamed it on C++, the dominant language for the expression of the paradigm. Even though C++ compilers were still essentially in their infancy, the language was branded as inherently slow. This belief spread quickly and is now widely accepted as fact. Software organizations that passed on C++ frequently pointed to performance as their key concern. That concern was rooted in the perception that C++ cannot match the performance delivered by its C counterpart. Consequently, C++ has had little success penetrating software domains that view performance as top priority: operating system kernels, device drivers, networking systems (routers, gateways, protocol stacks), and more.

We have spent years dissecting large systems of C and C++ code trying to squeeze every ounce of performance out of them. It is through our experience of slugging it out in the trenches that we have come to appreciate the potential of C++ to produce highly efficient programs. We've seen it done in practice. This book is our attempt to share that experience and document the many lessons we have learned in our own pursuit of C++ efficiency. Writing efficient C++ is not trivial, nor is it rocket science. It takes the understanding of some performance principles, as well as information on C++ performance traps and pitfalls.

The 80-20 rule is an important principle in the world of software construction. We adopt it in the writing of this book as well: 20% of all performance bugs will show up 80% of the time. We therefore chose to concentrate our efforts where it counts the most. We are interested in those performance issues that arise frequently in industrial code and have significant impact. This book is not an exhaustive discussion of the set of all possible performance bugs and their solutions; hence, we will not cover what we consider esoteric and rare performance pitfalls.

Our point of view is undoubtedly biased by our practical experience as programmers of server-side, performance-critical communications software. This bias impacts the book in several ways:

The profile of performance issues that we encounter in practice may be slightly different in nature than those found in scientific computing, database applications, and other domains. That's not a problem. Generic performance principles transcend distinct domains, and apply equally well in domains other than networking software. At times, we invented contrived examples to drive a point home, although we tried to minimize this. We have made enough coding mistakes in the past to have a sizable collection of samples taken from real production-level code that we have worked on. Our expertise was earned the hard way--by learning from our own mistakes as well as those of our colleagues. As much as possible, we illustrated our points with real code samples. We do not delve into the asymptotic complexity of algorithms, data structures, and the latest and greatest techniques for accessing, sorting, searching, and compressing data. These are important topics, but they have been extensively covered elsewhere Knu73, BR95, KP74. Instead, we focus on simple, practical, everyday coding and design principles that yield large performance improvements. We point out common design and coding practices that lead to poor performance, whether it be through the unwitting use of language features that carry high hidden costs or through violating any number of subtle (and not so subtle) performance principles.

So how do we separate myth from reality? Is C++ performance truly inferior to that of C? It is our contention that the common perception of inferior C++ performance is invalid. We concede that in general, when comparing a C program to a C++ version of what appears to be the same thing, the C program is generally faster. However, we also claim that the apparent similarity of the two programs typically is based on their data handling functionality, not their correctness, robustness, or ease of maintenance. Our contention is that when C programs are brought up to the level of C++ programs in these regards, the speed differences disappear, or the C++ versions are faster.

Thus C++ is inherently neither slower nor faster. It could be either, depending on how it is used and what is required from it. It's the way it is used that matters: If used properly, C++ can yield software systems exhibiting not just acceptable performance, but yield superior software performance.

We would like to thank the many people who contributed to this work. The toughest part was getting started and it was our editor, Marina Lang, who was instrumental in getting this project off the ground. Julia Sime made a significant contribution to the early draft and Yomtov Meged contributed many valuable suggestions as well. He also was the one who pointed out to us the subtle difference between our opinions and the absolute truth. Although those two notions may coincide at times, they are still distinct.

Many thanks to the reviewers hired by Addison-Wesley; their feedback was extremely valuable.

Thanks also to our friends and colleagues who reviewed portions of the manuscript. They are, in no particular order, Cyndy Ross, Art Francis, Scott Snyder, Tricia York, Michael Fraenkel, Carol Jones, Heather Kreger, Kathryn Britton, Ruth Willenborg, David Wisler, Bala Rajaraman, Don "Spike" Washburn, and Nils Brubaker.

Last but not least, we would like to thank our wives, Cynthia Powers Bulka and Ruth Washington Mayhew.

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Essential C++ (C++ In-Depth Series)

Essential C++ (C++ In-Depth Series)

"Readers can pick up this book and become familiar with C++ in a short time. Stan has taken a very broad and complicated topic and reduced it to the essentials that budding C++ programmers need to know to write real programs. His case study is effective and provides a familiar thread throughout the book." -Steve Vinoski, IONA For the practicing programmer with little time to spare, Essential C++ offers a fast-track to learning and working with C++ on the job. This book is specifically designed to bring you up to speed in a short amount of time. It focuses on the elements of C++ programming that you are most likely to encounter and examines features and techniques that help solve real-world programming challenges.

Essential C++ presents the basics of C++ in the context of procedural, generic, objectbased, and object-oriented programming. It is organized around a series of increasingly complex programming problems, and language features are introduced as solutions to these problems. In this way you will not only learn about the functions and structure of C++, but will understand their purpose and rationale. You will find in-depth coverage of key topics such as:

• Generic programming and the Standard Template Library (STL)

• Object-based programming and class design

• Object-oriented programming and the design of class hierarchies

• Function and class template design and use

• Exception handling and Run-Time Type Identification

In addition, an invaluable appendix provides complete solutions to, and and detailed explanations of, the programming exercises found at the end of each chapter. A second appendix offers a quick reference handbook for the generic algorithms, providing an example of how each is used.

This concise tutorial will give you a working knowledge of C++ and a firm foundation on which to further your professional expertise.

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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Financial Instrument Pricing Using C (The Wiley Finance Series)

Financial Instrument Pricing Using C (The Wiley Finance Series)

One of the best languages for the development of financial engineering and instrument pricing applications is C . This book has several features that allow developers to write robust, flexible and extensible software systems. The book is an ANSI/ISO standard, fully object-oriented and interfaces with many third-party applications. It has support for templates and generic programming, massive reusability using templates (‘write once) and support for legacy C applications.

In this book, author Daniel J. Duffy brings C to the next level by applying it to the design and implementation of classes, libraries and applications for option and derivative pricing models. He employs modern software engineering techniques to produce industrial-strength applications:

* Using the Standard Template Library (STL) in finance
* Creating your own template classes and functions
* Reusable data structures for vectors, matrices and tensors
* Classes for numerical analysis (numerical linear algebra …)
* Solving the Black Scholes equations, exact and approximate solutions
* Implementing the Finite Difference Method in C
* Integration with the ‘Gang of Four Design Patterns
* Interfacing with Excel (output and Add-Ins)
* Financial engineering and XML
* Cash flow and yield curves

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GCC Complete Reference

GCC Complete Reference

The purpose of this book is to provide information to those wishing to use GCC for software development. A good bit of information can be found about GCC internals that can be used to get you started in the direction of working inside the compiler, but the main idea behind this book is to guide you through the steps of installing and using the compiler to develop software. Any way that you care to measure software, GCC is huge. And like most huge software systems, it contains useful features that you can use only if you discover that they exist, determine exactly what it is they do, and figure out how to use them. That's the primary purpose of this book.

The book is divided into three parts. Part I, 'The Free Software Compiler, serves as an introduction to the fundamentals of the compiler and includes instructions you can follow to download and install it. Part II, 'Using the Compiler Collection, contains detailed instructions for using the compiler. A chapter is dedicated to each of the six programming languages, with several examples of each. Special chapters are included to describe the preprocessor and techniques for linking objects produced from different languages. Part III, 'Peripherals and Internals, includes chapters on linking, debugging, cross-compiling, makefiles, and the GNU assembler. Part III also contains information on the inner workings of both the front end and back end of the compiler.

GCC is the world's champion in the number of command-line options available. These options are listed alphabetically in Appendix D and cross-referenced in Appendix C. Chapter 21 contains even more command-line options the ones that have to do with the specific computer hardware for which the compiler is generating code.

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Herb Schildt's C++ Programming Cookbook

Herb Schildt's C++ Programming Cookbook

Your Ultimate "How-To" Guide to C++ Programming!

Legendary programming author Herb Schildt shares some of his favorite programming techniques in this high-powered C++ "cookbook." Organized for quick reference, each "recipe" shows how to accomplish a practical programming task. A recipe begins with a list of key ingredients (classes, functions, and headers) followed by step-by-step instructions that show how to assemble them into a complete solution. Detailed discussions explain the how and why behind each step, and a full code example puts the recipe into action. Each recipe ends with a list of options and alternatives that suggest ways to adapt the technique to fit a variety of situations. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced pro, you'll find recipes that are sure to satisfy your C++ programming appetite!

Topics include:

String Handling · Standard Template Library (STL) Containers · Algorithms · Function Objects · Binders · Negators · Adaptors · Iterators · I/O · Formatting Data

Learn how to:

Tokenize a null-terminated string
Create a search and replace function for strings
Implement subtraction for string objects
* Use the vector, deque, and list sequence containers
Use the container adaptors stack, queue, and priority_queue
* Use the map, multimap, set, and multiset associative containers
Reverse, rotate, and shuffle a sequence
Create a function object
Use binders, negators, and iterator adapters
Read and write files
Use stream iterators to handle file I/O
Use exceptions to handle I/O errors
Create custom inserters and extractors
Format date, time, and numeric data
* Use facets and the localization library
Overload the [ ], ( ), and -> operators
Create an explicit constructor
And much, much more

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Visual Basic .NET Primer Plus

Visual Basic .NET

Visual Basic .NET Primer Plus

Product Description

Visual Basic is the most popular programming language in existence. At the present time, it is estimated that there are over three million programmers using Visual Basic. It is also the most popular introductory programming language at most colleges and universities. This is going to become even more widespread with Visual Basic .NET. From the outset, this book is designed to teach an individual with no prior programming experience the art of object-oriented programming. The reader is carefully led through a thoughtful sequence of chapters that builds a solid foundation of programming knowledge and skills. Whether the reader is seeking general programming knowledge or specific skills in Web or database programming, this book provides the knowledge to gain those expertise.

Download Description
Visual Basic is the most popular programming language in existence. At the present time, it is estimated that there are over three million programmers using Visual Basic. It is also the most popular introductory programming language at most colleges and universities. This is going to become even more widespread with Visual Basic .NET. From the outset, this book is designed to teach an individual with no prior programming experience the art of object-oriented programming. The reader is carefully led through a thoughtful sequence of chapters that builds a solid foundation of programming knowledge and skills. Whether the reader is seeking general programming knowledge or specific skills in Web or database programming, this book provides the knowledge to gain those expertise.

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Visual Basic 2005 Instant Results (Programmer to Programmer)

Visual Basic 2005 Instant Results (Programmer to Programmer)

Product Description

* Visual Basic, one of the most popular programming languages today with more than 6 million developers, has released the 2005 version, which continues to expand on the functionality and flexibility of its framework-.NET 3.0
* Covering Visual Basic .NET 2005 programming in a Windows environment as well as accessing SQL Server Express 2005 and Web Services, this book allows intermediate-level programmers to get up to speed quickly with complete sample projects that can be modified and used in the real world
* In addition to the ready-to-use projects for their own applications with little or no modifications, programmers will also learn some of the more advanced features of Windows programming
* Some of the featured projects include desktop weather, password keeper, application registry manager, event log and trace writing, event log service, multi-threaded note pad, note pad printing, and custom controls textbox

From the Back Cover
Packed with unique, ready-to-use projects, this reference book will help you quickly get up to speed with Visual Basic 2005. Each project is presented in a step-by-step format, which enables you to set up, enhance, and reuse them in different real world situations. The accompanying CD-ROM also includes all of the source code from these projects, making it even easier for you to modify the applications to fit your own needs.

Visual Basic 2005 Instant Results not only provides you with ready-to-use classes, but it also shows you how to apply some of the more advanced features of Windows® programming. In addition, you'll discover how to access Web Services from a Visual Basic Windows program as well as access SQL Server Express 2005. This approach will give you the skills to achieve the programming results you want.

CD-ROM includes source code for all 10 projects

What you will learn from this book

* Desktop Weather

Password Keeper

Application Registry Manager

Event Log and trace Writing

Event Log Service

Multi-Threaded NotePad

Notepad Printing

Data Binding

Database Image Manager

Custom Controls

Who this book is for

This book is ideal for any programmer with Visual Basic .NET experience who wants to learn about the new features of Visual Basic 2005 or wants to enhance their programming skills. This book is ideal for developers who have previous experience developing complete desktop Windows applications but any developer with a desire to learn will find the material in this book useful.

Enhance Your Knowledge

Advance Your Career

Instant Results guides are packed with unique, ready-to-use projects that are perfect for the busy programmer. They require minimal set-up, and can be modified, enhanced, and reused in real-world situations.

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Windows Forms Programming in Visual Basic .NET (Microsoft .NET Development Series)

Programming in Visual Basic

Windows Forms Programming in Visual Basic .NET (Microsoft .NET Development Series)

From the Back Cover

Praise Page for Windows Forms Programming in Visual Basic .NET

“This is the .NET WinForms book to have. If you have been looking for a good Windows Forms book for your bookshelf, here it is. Windows Forms Programming in Visual Basic .NET covers everything from ‘Hello World’ to multithreading the user interface. Sells and Gehtland definitely understand Windows Forms and VB and are able to bring many new .NET techniques and concepts to the VB masses.”
—Darrin Bishop, Senior Technical Specialist

“Not only does Sells do a great job of breaking down all the quintessential components that anyone developing a Windows Forms application should know, but he also covers the critical pieces of functionality, like multi-threaded programming and resource management, which every Windows Forms developer should incorporate into his or her applications.”
—Colin Bowern, Senior Consultant, Microsoft Corporation

“With its excellent content, this book is easily an important component for any Visual Basic .NET developer’s toolbox.”
—Amit Kalani, coauthor of MCAD/MCSD Developing and
Implementing Windows®-based Applications with
Microsoft Visual C#™ .NET and Microsoft Visual Studio®.NET
Exam Cram 2 (Exam Cram 70-316)

“If you are a VB.NET developer—or one coming from a ‘classic’ VB background—and you want a no-nonsense guide to the key elements of WinForms development, this book is for you. In-depth practical experience shines through each chapter.”
—Martin Naughton, Independent Freelance Software Consultant

“If you’re planning on using the .NET Framework, this book is an invaluable resource. Chris dives straight into the heart of what makes the Windows Forms Framework tick. He has a real talent for striking the proper balance between showing you the theory behind the software and demonstrating coding techniques that will make you instantly productive.”
—From the Foreword by Ted Pattison, VB .NET Guru and author of
Building Applications and Components with Visual Basic .NET

“This book contains consistent and detailed hands-on examples about Windows Forms. Whether you are new to programming in .NET or already experienced, Chris Sells gives you the thorough grounding you need to write Windows Forms applications.”
—Erick Sgarbi, Software Engineer

“This is a great book for programmers who need to get work done with WinForms, and don’t have time to read a 1,200-page tome. Unlike many of the other WinForms books out there, it goes beyond the available Microsoft documentation and gives you critical tips and tricks you won’t find in the manuals. Chris really knows his stuff when it comes to WinForms programming and lays out in-depth information clearly and logically. His actual working experience with WinForms is obvious throughout the book, which has the information you need to know if you want to get beyond simple demos and write serious WinForms applications. The chapter on Web deployment is worth the price of admission just by itself. I’d definitely recommend this title to anyone who is serious about WinForms development.”
—Henry Stapp, Software Development Lead,, Inc.

"If you are just beginning to use WinForms, or even if you are already an experienced hand, you will find this book an antidote for confusion and a friendly companion on the road to writing modern applications."—Alan Cooper, Father of Visual Basic

Windows Forms Programming in Visual Basic .NET is the ultimate guide to using the Microsoft .NET forms package. Readers will learn how to build applications that take full advantage of both the rich user interface features of the Microsoft Windows operating system and the deployment features traditionally associated with HTML-based applications.

Authors Chris Sells and Justin Gehtland draw upon their WinForms research and programming experience to go beyond the Windows Forms documentation to give you a clear picture of exactly how Visual Basic .NET programmers can use WinForms. Readers will gain an understanding of the rationale behind aspects of WinForms design and learn how to avoid or solve common problems. Throughout the book, detailed illustrations of WinForms user interface features and working code samples demonstrate best practices. All code has been tested with Visual Studio .NET 1.1 and is available at, where readers will also find updates to the book.

This book focuses on the topics developers need to know in order to build real-world applications, including:

* Form layout
* Multiple top-level and non-rectangular windows
* Classes outside the System.Windows.Forms namespace, including System.Drawing and System.Security
* Custom drawing
* Hosting and building controls
* Design-time integration of controls and components
* Data binding
* Multithreaded user interfaces
* Deploying WinForms controls and applications over the Web
* Moving from Visual Basic 6

Well-written and easy to navigate, Windows Forms Programming in Visual Basic .NET is the tutorial for Windows programmers who are serious about mastering Windows Forms.

About the Author

Chris Sells is a content strategist on the Microsoft MSDN content team. Previously, he was the director of software engineering at DevelopMentor. Chris is the author of Windows Telephony Programming (Addison-Wesley, 1998) and Windows Forms Programming in Visual Basic .NET (Addison-Wesley, 2004), and coauthor of Effective COM (Addison-Wesley, 1999), ATL Internals (Addison-Wesley, 1999), and Essential .NET, Volume 1 (Addison-Wesley, 2003).

Justin Gehtland is a founding member of Relevance, LLC, a partnership dedicated to elevating the practice of software development.

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Wrox's Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition Starter Kit (Programmer to Programmer)

Visual Basic

Wrox's Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition Starter Kit (Programmer to Programmer)

Product Description
The practical, task-oriented approach, along with numerous tips, tricks, and additional techniques, all help to get you up to speed on the most important Visual Basic 2005 concepts and information. In no time, you'll be able to take control of your programming, apply what you've learned in real world scenarios, and get quick results.

What you will learn from this book

* How to install Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition and then navigate around the environment
* Various details about the user interface, event programming, and accessing data
* Ways to write proper programming code by creating additional features for your applications
* How Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition makes XML processing, data encryption, and notification dialogs smoother processes

Who this book is for

This book is for first-time programmers who are are ready to begin creating their own customized applications with Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition. No prior programming experience is necessary.

Wrox's Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition Starter Kit gives you the software tools you need to get started. It also provides structured tutorials that walk you through all the techniques you need to begin programming right away. The accompanying CD-ROM includes:

* Microsoft(r) Visual Basic 2005(r)Express Edition
* Microsoft(r) MSDN(r)2005 Express Edition
* Microsoft(r) SQL ServerTM 2005 Express Edition

From the Back Cover
The practical, task-oriented approach, along with numerous tips, tricks, and additional techniques, all help to get you up to speed on the most important Visual Basic 2005 concepts and information. In no time, you'll be able to take control of your programming, apply what you've learned in real world scenarios, and get quick results.

What you will learn from this book

* How to install Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition and then navigate around the environment
* Various details about the user interface, event programming, and accessing data
* Ways to write proper programming code by creating additional features for your applications
* How Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition makes XML processing, data encryption, and notification dialogs smoother processes

Who this book is for

This book is for first-time programmers who are are ready to begin creating their own customized applications with Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition. No prior programming experience is necessary.

Wrox's Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition Starter Kit gives you the software tools you need to get started. It also provides structured tutorials that walk you through all the techniques you need to begin programming right away. The accompanying CD-ROM includes:

* Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition
* Microsoft MSDN 2005 Express Edition
* Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition

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Exceptional C++: 47 Engineering Puzzles, Programming Problems and Solutions

Exceptional C++: 47 Engineering Puzzles, Programming Problems and Solutions

Exceptional C++ shows by example how to go about sound software engineering in standard C++. Do you enjoy solving thorny C++ problems and puzzles? Do you relish writing robust and extensible code? Then take a few minutes and challenge yourself with some tough C++ design and programming problems.

The puzzles and problems in Exceptional C++ not only entertain, they will help you hone your skills to become the sharpest C++ programmer you can be. Many of these problems are culled from the famous Guru of the Week feature of the Internet newsgroup comp.lang.c++.moderated, expanded and updated to conform to the official ISO/ANSI C++ Standard.

Each problem is rated according to difficulty and is designed to illustrate subtle programming mistakes or design considerations. After you've had a chance to attempt a solution yourself, the book then dissects the code, illustrates what went wrong, and shows how the problem can be fixed. Covering a broad range of C++ topics, the problems and solutions address critical issues such as:

+ Generic programming and how to write reusable templates

+ Exception safety issues and techniques

+ Robust class design and inheritance

+ Compiler firewalls and the Pimpl Idiom

+ Name lookup, namespaces, and the Interface Principle

+ Memory management issues and techniques

+ Traps, pitfalls, and anti-idioms

+ Optimization

Try your skills against the C++ masters and come away with the insight and experience to create more efficient, effective, robust, and portable C++ code.

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Extended STL, Volume 1: Collections and Iterators

Extended STL, Volume 1: Collections and Iterators

“Wilson’s menu of STL treatments will no doubt be good eating for generic programming adherents, ardent C programmers just now taking on STL and C++, Java programmers taking a second look at C++, and authors of libraries targeting multiple platforms and languages. Bon appetit!”
--George Frazier, Cadence Design Systems, Inc.

“A thorough treatment of the details and caveats of STL extension.”
--Pablo Aguilar, C++ Software Engineer

“This book is not just about extending STL, it’s also about extending my thinking in C++.”
--Serge Krynine, C++ Software Engineer, RailCorp Australia

“You might not agree 100% with everything Wilson has to say, but as a whole his book is the most valuable, in-depth study of practical STL-like programming.”
--Thorsten Ottosen, M.C.S., Boost Contributor

“Wilson is a master lion tamer, persuading multifarious third-party library beasts to jump through STL hoops. He carefully guides the reader through the design considerations, pointing out the pitfalls and making sure you don't get your head bitten off.”
--Adi Shavit, Chief Software Architect, EyeTech Co. Ltd

“Wilson’s book provides more than enough information to change the angst/uncertainty level of extending STL from ‘daunting’ to ‘doable.’ ”
--Garth Lancaster, EDI/Automation Manager, Business Systems Group, MBF Australia

“This book will open up your eyes and uncover just how powerful STL’s abstractions really are.”
--Nevin “:-)” Liber, 19-year veteran of C++

“In the canon of C++ there are very few books that extend the craft. Wilson’s work consistently pushes the limits, showing what can and cannot be done, and the tradeoffs involved.”
--John O’Halloran, Head of Software Development, Mediaproxy

“Essential concepts and practices to take the working programmer beyond the standard library.”
--Greg Peet

“Extended STL is not just a book about adapting the STL to fit in with your everyday work, it’s also an odyssey through software design and concepts, C++ power techniques, and the perils of real-world software development--in other words, it’s a Matthew Wilson book. If you're serious about C++, I think you should read it.”
--Björn Karlsson, Principle Architect, ReadSoft; author of Beyond the C++ Standard Library: An Introduction to Boost

In Extended STL, renowned C++ expert Matthew Wilson shows how to go beyond the C++ standard and extend the Standard Template Library into the wider C++ world of APIs and non-standard collections, to write software that is more efficient, expressive, flexible, and robust.

In Volume 1, Wilson’s innovative techniques help you master STL extension in two important areas: adapting technology-specific libraries and operating system APIs to STL-compliant collections, and defining sophisticated iterator adaptors with which the latent efficiency and expressive power of STL can be realized. Using real-world examples, Wilson illustrates several powerful concepts and techniques that enable you to extend STL in directions never envisioned by its creators, including collections, element reference categories, external iterator invalidation and inferred interface adaptation.

Extended STL, Volume 1, will be an invaluable resource for every C++ programmer who is at least minimally familiar with the STL.

* Learn specific principles and techniques for STL extension
* Learn more about the STL by looking inside the implementation of STL extensions
* Learn general techniques for implementing wrappers over operating system APIs and technology-specific libraries
* Learn how to write iterator adaptors and understand the reasons behind the restrictions on their implementations and use

Specific coverage includes

* Making the most of collections, and understanding how they differ from containers
* Mastering element reference categories: defining them, detecting them, and using them to design STL extension collections and iterators
* Working with external iterator invalidation, and understanding its surprising impact on the design of STL-compatible collections
* Adapting real-world APIs ranging from file
* system enumeration to scatter/gather I/O
* Using standalone iterator types, from simple std::ostream_iterator extensions to sophisticated adaptors that filter and transform types or values

The accompanying CD-ROM contains an extensive collection of open-source libraries created by the author. Also included: several test projects, and three bonus chapters.

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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

How to Program Using C++

How to Program Using C++

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Imperfect C++: Practical Solutions for Real-Life Programming

From the Back Cover

Imperfect C++

C++, although a marvelous language, isn't perfect. Matthew Wilson has been working with it for over a decade, and during that time he has found inherent limitations that require skillful workarounds. In this book, he doesn't just tell you what's wrong with C++, but offers practical techniques and tools for writing code that's more robust, flexible, efficient, and maintainable. He shows you how to tame C++'s complexity, cut through its vast array of paradigms, take back control over your code—and get far better results.

If you're a long-time C++ developer, this book will help you see your programming challenges in new ways—and illuminate powerful techniques you may never have tried. If you're newer to C++, you'll learn principles that will make you more effective in all of your projects. Along the way, you'll learn how to:


Overcome deficiencies in C++'s type system

Enforce software design through constraints, contracts, and assertions

Handle behavior ignored by the standard— including issues related to dynamic libraries, static objects, and threading

Achieve binary compatibility between dynamically loading components

Understand the costs and disadvantages of implicit conversions—and the alternatives

Increase compatibility with diverse compilers, libraries, and operating environments

Help your compiler detect more errors and work more effectively

Understand the aspects of style that impact reliability

Apply the Resource Acquisition Is Initialization mechanism to a wide variety of problem domains

Manage the sometimes arcane relationship between arrays and pointers

Use template programming to improve flexibility and robustness

Extend C++: including fast string concatenation, a true NULL-pointer, flexible memory buffers, Properties, multidimensional arrays, and Ranges

The CD-ROM contains a valuable variety of C++ compilers, libraries, test programs, tools, and utilities, as well as the author's related journal articles. New and updated imperfections, along with software libraries and example code are available online at

About the Author

MATTHEW WILSON is a software development consultant and creator of the STLSoft libraries. He writes a bi-monthly C/C++ Users Journal column on integrating C and C++ with different languages and technologies, as well as an online column for C++ Experts Forum. He has over a decade's experience developing with C++. Currently based in Australia, Wilson holds a Ph.D. from Manchester University (UK).

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Inside the C++ Object Model

Bestselling author Stanley B. Lippman's Inside the C++ Model provides valuable insight into some of the internal workings of the C++ language. This book is a product of a decade of research at Bell Labs (where Lippman worked with C++ inventor Bjarne Stroustrup) and Lippman's considerable C++ expertise. Written with the experienced C++ programmer in mind, this book looks at how key language features are implemented underneath the hood and provides some guidelines when designing C++ classes.

This title first examines how C++ objects work--showing the differences between C++ structures and classes. The author looks carefully at the varieties of C++ constructors, including default and copy constructors, data members, and initialization.

Subsequent sections cover inheritance, including virtual inheritance, and the inner details that will help you create effective and robust data types. The author frequently points out inefficiencies (and efficiencies) that can occur when instantiating objects. The book closes with a tour of more advanced C++ language features, such as templates, exception handling, and run-time type information. This book can help make you the resident C++ language expert at your programming shop. --Richard Dragan

Dr. Dobb's Electronic Review of Computer Books
Read the full review for this book.

Inside the C++ Object Model is aimed at those developers who routinely use C++ but feel the discomfort of not really knowing the underlying weight of many common operations they perform or constructs they peruse.

A particularly fit subset of these programmers is made up of the hardcore plumbers who pay their bills writing C++-based programming tools and libraries, or those who assume the uneasy role of the "official code optimizer" in a medium-to-large development team. Each of these programmers are going to immensely appreciate the intensive coverage of the object-oriented features offered by the language, their run-time overhead (in terms of execution time and binary size), and their influence in compilation times. This knowledge constitutes a major aid when it comes time to decide whether a certain language feature fits your needs without breaking your requirements. Moreover, along the way the text is sprinkled with interesting anecdotes explaining why certain common myths regarding C++ are nothing more than unfounded rant. --Davide Marcato, Dr. Dobb's Electronic Review of Computer Books

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Introduction to C++ for Financial Engineers: An Object-Oriented Approach

Product Description
This book introduces the reader to the C++ programming language and how to use it to write applications in quantitative finance (QF) and related areas. No previous knowledge of C or C++ is required. - experience with VBA, Matlab or other programming language is sufficient. The book adopts an incremental approach; starting from basic principles then moving on to advanced complex techniques and then to real-life applications in financial engineering. There are five major parts in the book:

* C++ fundamentals and object-oriented thinking in QF
* Advanced object-oriented features such as inheritance and polymorphism
* Template programming and the Standard Template Library (STL)
* An introduction to GOF design patterns and their applications in QF Applications

The kinds of applications include binomial and trinomial methods, Monte Carlo simulation, advanced trees, partial differential equations and finite difference methods.

This book contains a CD with all source code and many useful C++ classes that you can use in your own applications. Examples, test cases and applications are directly relevant to QF.

This book is the perfect companion to Daniel J. Duffy’s book Financial Instrument Pricing using C++ (Wiley 2004, 0470855096 / 9780470021620)

Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.

From the Inside Flap
"Duffy has successfully plugged a huge gap in the market by producing a wonderfully written introductory book, in a pedagogic – making mathematical modelling in C++ accessible to a large audience. As a teacher of C++, I will be strongly recommending this book to anyone interested in applying C++ to Quantitative Finance."
—Riaz Ahmad, 7city Learning Ltd

"Finally, the book I wish I had had when I first started studying the C++ programming language. This witty, clean and comprehensive guide is a must-have for the would-be quant and a precious reference for the practitioner in quantitative finance. After completing the reading, you will earn a ‘black belt’ in C++ for financial engineering."
—Michele L. Baldini, Global Equity Linked Products | Quantitative Analytics, Merrill Lynch & Co

"It seems that C++ is here to stay – but not as the easiest language to master. Daniel Duffy has been there and done that for a few decades, and now he shares his expertise. In this book, he takes the reader to the black belt level – i.e., the level at which one can start learning advanced C++ techniques and best practices."
—Luigi Ballabio (co-creator of QuantLib)

"Among the vast C++ and quantitative finance literature there is a surprising dearth of material on their intersection – on quantfin-specific numerical methods using C++ and design patterns. Daniel Duffy’s new book Introduction to C++ for Financial Engineers nicely fills this vacuum and should prove to be a valuable resource for students and professionals looking to learn or enhance their C++ skills."
—Christopher Merrill, University of Chicago Program on Financial Mathematics

"Out of the plethora of books introducing C++ this book simply stands out by the clear exposure of the language and the practicality of its examples. For any student or practitioner that learns or wants to improve his knowledge of this powerful programming language widely used in the business world of finance Dr. Duffy's book is highly recommended."
—Valentin D. Ghita, MSc Student, Baruch College, CUNY

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Monday, July 28, 2008

Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics


From the reviews:

"This book is a brief and basic introduction to C++ for everyone and especially for scientists and engineers. The text offers a venue for effectively teaching and rapidly learning the language at the level of an undergraduate course in any discipline of the physical sciences and computer science and engineering." (Stefan Meyer, Zentralblatt MATH, Vol. 1128 (6), 2008)

Product Description

C++ has grown rapidly in response to the practical need for a programming language that is able to efficiently handle composite and diverse data types. Today, C++ dominates the commercial market and is favored among application developers.

Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics offers a venue for rapidly learning the language by concisely revealing its grammar, syntax and main features, and by explaining the key ideas behind object oriented programming (OOP), with emphasis on scientific computing.

The book reviews elemental concepts of computers and computing, describes the primary features of C++, illustrates the use of pointers and user-defined functions, and analyzes the construction of classes. Distinctive features include:

* An effective selection and presentation of topics and supporting examples

* A tutorial on the usage of MATLAB® functions in C++ code

* Tables for translating MATLAB® and Fortran 77 into C++ code, illustrating syntactic differences between these languages

* Chapters on graphics and GUI programming based on the VOGLE library and the GLUT, GLUI and GTK+ utility toolboxes

This invaluable resource provides a basic, concise introduction to C++ for the novice, allowing the reader to easily grasp the necessary concepts, rather than trying to absorb an extensive reference book. Scientists, engineers, professionals and students familiar with the general principles of computer programming and proficient in an easy programming language will find this volume an ideal entry point into C++.

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Lexical Analysis and Parsing using C++

C++ ebookProduct Description
More than 100,000 programmers owe their careers to Professor John Smiley. In this unique guide, the guru himself will teach you, in a classroom setting, how to program with C++. Learn from more than 100 questions and answers as well as real-world programming projects.

Book Info
Professor John Smiley, the programmer guru itself teaches you, in a classroom setting, how to program with C++. Learn from more than 100 questions and answers as well as real-world programming projects. Softcover.

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Memory as a Programming Concept in C and C++

Product Description
Assuming readers have a basic familiarity with C or C++, Frantisek Franek describes the techniques, methods and tools available to develop effective memory usage. The overwhelming majority of "bugs" and crashes in computer programming stem from problems of memory access, allocation, or deallocation. Such memory related errors are notoriously difficult to resolve. Moreover, the role that memory plays in C and C++ programming is a subject often overlooked in courses and in books. Most professional programmers learn about it entirely through actual experience of the problems it causes.

Book Description
The overwhelming majority of bugs and crashes in computer programming stem from problems of memory access, allocation, or deallocation. Such memory related errors are also notoriously difficult to debug. But the role that memory plays in C and C++ programming is a subject often overlooked in courses and in books. Most professional programmers learn about it entirely through experience of the trouble it causes. This book provides students and professional programmers with a concise yet comprehensive view of the role memory plays in all aspects of programming and program behaviour. Assuming only a basic familiarity with C or C++, the author describes the techniques, methods, and tools available to deal with the problems related to memory and its effective use.

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Modeling Derivatives in C++ (Wiley Finance)

Product Description

This book is the definitive and most comprehensive guide to modeling derivatives in C++ today. Providing readers with not only the theory and math behind the models, as well as the fundamental concepts of financial engineering, but also actual robust object-oriented C++ code, this is a practical introduction to the most important derivative models used in practice today, including equity (standard and exotics including barrier, lookback, and Asian) and fixed income (bonds, caps, swaptions, swaps, credit) derivatives. The book provides complete C++ implementations for many of the most important derivatives and interest rate pricing models used on Wall Street including Hull-White, BDT, CIR, HJM, and LIBOR Market Model. London illustrates the practical and efficient implementations of these models in real-world situations and discusses the mathematical underpinnings and derivation of the models in a detailed yet accessible manner illustrated by many examples with numerical data as well as real market data. A companion CD contains quantitative libraries, tools, applications, and resources that will be of value to those doing quantitative programming and analysis in C++. Filled with practical advice and helpful tools, Modeling Derivatives in C++ will help readers succeed in understanding and implementing C++ when modeling all types of derivatives.

Download Description

This book is the definitive and most comprehensive guide to modeling derivatives in C++ today. Providing readers with not only the theory and math behind the models, as well as the fundamental concepts of financial engineering, but also actual robust object-oriented C++ code, this is a practical introduction to the most important derivative models used in practice today, including equity (standard and exotics including barrier, lookback, and Asian) and fixed income (bonds, caps, swaptions, swaps, credit) derivatives. The book provides complete C++ implementations for many of the most important derivatives and interest rate pricing models used on Wall Street including Hull-White, BDT, CIR, HJM, and LIBOR Market Model. London illustrates the practical and efficient implementations of these models in real-world situations and discusses the mathematical underpinnings and derivation of the models in a detailed yet accessible manner illustrated by many examples with numerical data as well as real market data. A companion CD contains quantitative libraries, tools, applications, and resources that will be of value to those doing quantitative programming and analysis in C++. Filled with practical advice and helpful tools, Modeling Derivatives in C++ will help readers succeed in understanding and implementing C++ when modeling all types of derivatives.

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Interfacing with C++: Programming Real-World Applications

Product Description

This book is for people who are interested in learning and exploring electronic interfacing as well as C++ programming in a practicable and enjoyable way. Readers will learn to program a PC to do real-world things  not simply number crunching and graphics. They will also master how to write programs that interact with real-world devices through the use of a specially-developed interface circuit board included with the book. The book, interface board and accompanying software incorporate simple and easy-to-understand projects such as digital-to-analog conversion and vice versa, DC and Stepper motor control, temperature and voltage measurement, PC-based timing, or basic data acquisition. The audience of this innovative and rewarding approach to learn interfacing real-world devices to a computer via C++ are undergraduate and graduate students in engineering and science, practicing engineers/scientists, technical workers, and hobbyists. The types of courses the book complements include control engineering, electronics, computing, and mechatronics.

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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Modeling Maximum Trading Profits with C++ : New Trading and Money Management Concepts (Wiley Trading)

Product Description
"Mr. Salov has taken one of my favorite creations – Perfect Profit – and provided an expanded description of his interpretation of it and put it in your hands with the included software. Like I said fifteen years ago, Perfect Profit is an important tool for the trading system developer. See for yourself."
—Robert Pardo, President, Pardo Capital Limited

"A very in-depth reference for programmers that should serve well into the future. The code herein lends itself well to other syntactically similar programming languages such as Java, PHP, and C#."
—Ralph Vince

The goal of trading is to make money, and for many, profits are the best way to measure that success. Author Valerii Salov knows how to calculate potential profit, and in Modeling Maximum Trading Profits with C++, he outlines an original and thought-provoking approach to trading that will help you do the same.

This detailed guide will show you how to effectively calculate the potential profit in a market under conditions of variable transaction costs, and provide you with the tools needed to compute those values from real prices. You'll be introduced to new notions of s-function, s-matrix, s-interval, and polarities of s-intervals, and discover how they can be used to build the r- and l-algorithms as well as the first and second profit and loss reserve algorithms. Optimal money management techniques are also illustrated throughout the book, so you can make the most informed trading decisions possible.

Filled with in-depth insight and expert advice, Modeling Maximum Trading Profits with C++ contains a comprehensive overview of trading, money management, and C++. A companion CD-ROM is also included to help you test the concepts described throughout the book before you attempt to use them in real-world situations.

From the Back Cover
"A very in-depth reference for programmers that should serve well into the future. The code herein lends itself well to other syntactically similar programming languages such as Java, PHP, and C#."
—Ralph Vince

The goal of trading is to make money, and for many, profits are the best way to measure that success. Author Valerii Salov knows how to calculate potential profit, and in Modeling Maximum Trading Profits with C++, he outlines an original and thought-provoking approach to trading that will help you do the same.

This detailed guide will show you how to effectively calculate the potential profit in a market under conditions of variable transaction costs, and provide you with the tools needed to compute those values from real prices. You'll be introduced to new notions of s-function, s-matrix, s-interval, and polarities of s-intervals, and discover how they can be used to build the r- and l-algorithms as well as the first and second profit and loss reserve algorithms. Optimal money management techniques are also illustrated throughout the book, so you can make the most informed trading decisions possible.

Filled with in-depth insight and expert advice, Modeling Maximum Trading Profits with C++ contains a comprehensive overview of trading, money management, and C++. A companion CD-ROM is also included to help you test the concepts described throughout the book before you attempt to use them in real-world situations.

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Numerical Recipes in C++: The Art of Scientific Computing

"The book is beautifully produced, very clear, and easy to read. [one]...that every computer laboratory and every serious scientist should own." Computing Reviews

" instant 'classic', a book that should be purchased and read by anyone who uses numerical methods." American Journal of Physics

"This monumental and classic work is beautifully produced and of literary as well as mathematical quality. It is an essential component of any serious scientific or engineering library." Computing Reviews

"These books are a must for anyone doing scientific computing." Journal of the American Chemical Society

"...this book is a comprehensive text and reference work on scientific computing." Mechanical Engineering

"This encyclopedic book should be read (or at least owned) not only by those who must roll their own numerical methods, but by all who must use prepackaged programs." New Scientist

"Any technology company that doesn't have a few copies of this work and the accompanying diskettes is wasting the precious time of its best researchers." Forbes

"A product of a unique collaboration by leading scientists in academia and industry, this book is the second edition of a comprehensive text and reference work on scientific computing." Business Horizons

Product Description
# The product of a unique collaboration among four leading scientists in academic research and industry, Numerical Recipes is a comprehensive text and reference work on scientific computing. Thoroughly self-contained, it proceeds from mathematical and theoretical considerations to actual, practical computer routines. This new version incorporates completely new C++ versions of the more than 300 Numerical Recipes Second Edition routines widely recognized as the most accessible and practical basis for scientific computing, in addition to including the full mathematical and explanatory contents of Numerical Recipes in C. Key Features: Includes linear algebra, interpolation, special functions, random numbers, nonlinear sets of equations, optimization, eigensystems, Fourier methods and wavelets, statistical tests, ODEs and PDEs, integral equations, and inverse theory.
# A wealth of tricks and tips for scientific computing in C++
# The routines, in ANSI/ISO C++ source code, can be used with almost any existing C++ vector/matrix class library, according to user preference
# Includes a simple class library for stand-alone use Other new Numerical Recipes products for your library...
# Numerical Recipes Example Book [C++]
# Numerical Recipes Code CDROM with Windows, DOS, or Macintosh Single Screen License--v2.10 including C++, Second Edition
# Numerical Recipes Code CDROM with LINUX or UNIX Single Screen License v2.10 including C++, Second Edition
# Numerical Recipes Code CDROM with Windows, DOS, or Macintosh Single Screen License

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Object-Oriented Programming in C++ (4th Edition)

Product Description

Object-Oriented Programming in C++ begins with the basic principles of the C++ programming language and systematically introduces increasingly advanced topics while illustrating the OOP methodology. While the structure of this book is similar to that of the previous edition, each chapter reflects the latest ANSI C++ standard and the examples have been thoroughly revised to reflect current practices and standards.

Educational Supplement

Suggested solutions to the programming projects found at the end of each chapter are made available to instructors at recognized educational institutions. This educational supplement can be found at, in the Instructor Resource Center.

Download Description
Object-Oriented Programming in C++ begins with the basic principles of the C++ programming language and systematically introduces increasingly advanced topics while illustrating the OOP methodology. While the structure of this book is similar to that of the previous edition, each chapter reflects the latest ANSI C++ standard and the examples have been thoroughly revised to reflect current practices and standards.

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Parallel and Distributed Programming Using C++

From the Back Cover

Parallel and Distributed Programming Using C++ provides an up-close look at how to build software that can take advantage of multiprocessor computers. Simple approaches for programming parallel virtual machines are presented, and the basics of cluster application development are explained. Through an easy-to-understand overview of multithreaded programming, this book also shows you how to write software components that work together over a network to solve problems and do work.

Parallel and Distributed Programming Using C++ provides an architectural approach to parallel programming for computer programmers, software developers, designers, researchers, and software architects. It will also be useful for computer science students.

* Demonstrates how agents and blackboards can be used to make parallel programming easier
* Shows object-oriented approaches to multitasking and multithreading
* Demonstrates how the UML is used to document designs that require parallel or distributed programming
* Contains the new POSIX/UNIX IEEE Standard for the Pthreads library

About the Author

CAMERON HUGHES is a senior software engineer for CTEST Laboratories and a staff programmer/analyst at Youngstown State University. He has been involved in software development efforts of all sizes and is currently working in cluster programming of the Proteus V that involves NLP and knowledge representation modeling at CTEST and the Colony at Youngstown.

TRACEY HUGHES is a software engineer at CTEST, where she does graphics programming and simulation in C++ and develops image processing class libraries and virtual worlds.

Together they are the co-authors of numerous books including Linux Rapid Application Development and Object-Oriented Multithreading Using C++.

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Practical Algorithms in C++

Book Description
A practical guide to implementing algorithms in C++.

Have you been looking for a C++ book that not only talks about some of the most popular algorithms of today, but also implements them? Then look no further. This book presents algorithms from a practical point of view, clearly explaining how the algorithms work, as well as fully implementing them in C++. Written to the intermediate C++ programmer, this book covers a wide range of subjects, from sorting and searching algorithms, to graph traversal algorithms, hashing algorithms, priority queues, finite state machines, and "algorithmic generators," a unique, object-oriented way of implementing algorithms.

Includes theory and practice, with emphasis on practice.

* Builds from the basics to the most advanced techniques.
* Backs each algorithm with full source code provided on disk-no misleading code fragments.
* Includes high quality code, written specifically for C++, and not simply ported from some other language.
* All code fully tested in Borland and Microsoft versions of C++.

The publisher, John Wiley & Sons
A practical, step-by-step exposition of the special features of C++ algorithms and how they fit in overall program design. All algorithms in the text and on the accompanying disk have been created from scratch in C++. Methods described in each example are backed up with complete source code and each chapter progresses from fundamental concepts to sophisticated methods. Includes algorithms which can be immediately incorporated into larger programs.

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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Practical C++ Programming, Second Edition

Product Description
C++ is a powerful, highly flexible, and adaptable programming language that allows software engineers to organize and process information quickly and effectively. But this high-level language is relatively difficult to master, even if you already know the C programming language. The 2nd edition of Practical C++ Programming is a complete introduction to the C++ language for programmers who are learning C++. Reflecting the latest changes to the C++ standard, this 2nd edition takes a useful down-to-earth approach, placing a strong emphasis on how to design clean, elegant code. In short, to-the-point chapters, all aspects of programming are covered including style, software engineering, programming design, object-oriented design, and debugging. It also covers common mistakes and how to find (and avoid) them. End of chapter exercises help you ensure you've mastered the material. Practical C++ Programming thoroughly covers:

* C++ Syntax
* Coding standards and style
* Creation and use of object classes
* Templates
* Debugging and optimization
* Use of the C++ preprocessor
* File input/output

Steve Oualline's clear, easy-going writing style and hands-on approach to learning make Practical C++ Programming a nearly painless way to master this complex but powerful programming language.

About the Author
Steve Oualline lives in Southern California, where he works as a software engineer for a major phone company. In his free time he is a real engineer on the Poway Midland Railroad. Steve has written almost a dozen books on programming and Linux software. His web site is

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Problems & Solutions In Scientific Computing With C++ And Java Simulations

Book Description
Scientific computing is a collection of tools, techniques and theories required to develop and solve mathematical models in science and engineering on a computer. This timely book provides the various skills and techniques needed in scientific computing. The topics range in difficulty from elementary to advanced, and all the latest fields in scientific computing are covered such as matrices, numerical analysis, neural networks, genetic algorithms, etc.

Presented in the format of problems and detailed solutions, important concepts and techniques are introduced and developed. Many problems include software simulations. Algorithms have detailed implementations in C++ or Java. This book will prove to be invaluable not only to students and research workers in the fields of scientific computing, but also to teachers of this subject who will find this text useful as a supplement.

The topics discussed in this book are part of the e-learning and distance learning courses conducted by the International School of Scientific Computing, South Africa.

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Professional C++

Product Description

* Geared to experienced C++ developers who may not be familiar with the more advanced features of the language, and therefore are not using it to its full capabilities
* Teaches programmers how to think in C++-that is, how to design effective solutions that maximize the power of the language
* The authors drill down into this notoriously complex language, explaining poorly understood elements of the C++ feature set as well as common pitfalls to avoid
* Contains several in-depth case studies with working code that's been tested on Windows, Linux, and Solaris platforms

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