The broad, yet in-depth coverage of C programming language, within the context of today's C programming style, makes this book as useful for practicing professionals as it is for beginning programmers. This study guide solves many sample problems using other programming languages so readers can compare several popular languages. It also includes clear explanations of most of the features in the current ANSI standard. The emphasis throughout is on designing clear, legible, modular and efficient programs.
A Teaching Reference, And A Great Book
C is not a large language, there's not a lot to remember a far as conditionals, types, etc... but there is much to learn. This book gives only the facts and not dogma or methodologies, and the examples are to the point as they should be. This book really should be hardbound and sitting next to your copy of The C Programming language by DR and BK. This manila tome is truly one of the hidden gems you can get for 15 bucks. Use it until the pages fall apart, by then you will have assimulated it's worthwhile knowledge.
You really have to enjoy this book for it's straightforwardness. If you like the "Dummies" series, this book will progress a bit too fast for you, for it is rather complete in it's description of the language features. But if you read and digest technical matters in one or two (or three) gulps, you'll benefit from this book.
Excellent as a Reference and a Self-study Guide
This is one of the excellent books in programming. I have come to master C programming in less than two months by following this book page by page. Chapters are organized in an excellent way that goes systematically with programming skills development. I highly recommend it.
For review/revision purposes only
Do not buy this book if you are just learning C. The way in which the information is organised in this book assumes that you have a knowledge of the topic and that you only need a refresher. There is information in this book but if you want to learn C without swallowing boulders, you should look elsewhere.
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